
Harmonizing Melodies -Theory

I've only been playing for a year and this lesson might not work for you but I'm gonna try my best to make a good one. Lets cut to the chase, if you've ever heard of bands like Iron Maiden, Metallica and Children of Bodom, you'll notice that when they play live one guitarist is playing a melody somewhere down the fretboard while the other one plays it somewhere completely different but they still manage to make a balanced and you would think that they're playing the same notes. In this lesson I will cover the theory behind melodies and harmonizing them and hopefully you will come up with some ideas on how to create harmonies for some previous riffs you might have made. P.S. - You should know a little bit of theory to be able to understand this lesson, if not then I strongly suggest you go learn some otherwise this lesson will not make any sense to you. Anyway on to the topic, now.. a melody is just a sequence of notes sometimes reffered to as a 'vo...


Nostalgia Lagu dalam telefon bimbit yang korang tak pernah perasan

Blackberry 9900 Rindu gila gua kat HP Blackberry aku ni, bukanlah buat kali yang pertama tapi inilah HP yang paling aku sayang mana tak gua kerja kuat kumpul duit ni semata mata nak beli HP canggih masa tu, tak silap tahun 2008/2009, yang mana gua masa tu baru dapat kerja yang agak lumayan tawaran gaji, dan maklumlah kena tanggungjawab pun besar. Masa tu officemate gua punyalah jealous sebab aku pakai HP paling latest, masa iphone belum wujud lagi, benda yang paling gua suka ialah BBM (stand for Blackberry messenger) yang mana waktu sebelum kemunculan whatsapp dan sterusnya Wechat dan Michat yang telah dipelopori budak budak era millenial. Icon BBM (Blackberry Messengger) Iklan Blackberry Bold Perkara yang paling gua tak boleh lupakan ialah lagu yang tersedia di playlist mp3. lagu ini memang lagu official di setiap unit blackberry 9900 yang baru. Semestinya jadi nada dering waktu itu,  Lagu yang gua maksudkan ini bertajuk "Thank You" Dikt...


Ini kepala tony stark yang poyo muthafukka!!!!     modelling by sketchup, rendering using maxwell. gua masih fail bab emmitter setting... tunjuk ajarku sifoo sedoot srruppphhh!! ahh... kannina bu ci...... bye!

3d render- catatan si pemalas

ok lama jugak gua tak update blog gua ni... gua tak berapa nak rajin la nk layan fb,twitter bagai, lagi la nak menulis.. anyway nak share sikit pasal benda yg aku baru explore ni....baru bagi aku la... renderer yg sgt kool. TENDANG TUNGKING WOOO!!! sketchup 8 render by maxwell!!...

growl metal vocal tutorial

growling metal vocal tutorial   <------------click here to download mp3 river cuomo guitar design contest

inspired by the late guitar design that used by river cuomo on their live show. river cuomo guitar design2 by ~ digitalgenital on deviant ART inspired by strawmat canvas shoes design original by me. link >here river cuomo guitar design1 by ~ digitalgenital on deviant ART What you need to know : 1. The only customizable part of the guitar is the body (the red part in the image above). You can download a high res version below. Please use the provided template to design on top of. 2. You need to incorporate the Indaba Music logo into the design. You can download the logo below. 3. Make sure to incorporate your signature into the design. 4. You can only submit one design. Entries must be submitted by September 1st at 5pm EDT. To submit your design, upload a .jpg file to to the "files" tab below. The winning design will be selected by the fine folks of Indaba Music. The winner will be awarded an awesome prize to be announced soon! Stay tuned! so guys,.. i a...

in da ba music review

Indaba Music said: Reviews and news of music equipment old and new. Review of Budget Audio Interfaces - by Josh This week, we’re going to take a quick look at a few audio interfaces. For those just getting started with computer recording, an audio interface refers to the hardware that you use to record and playback sounds. Most computers come with some sort of basic audio recording capabilities, but stock sound cards are invariably noisy and of low quality. A simple upgrade of less than $200 can vastly improve the sound of your compositions and collaborations here on Indaba. Here’s a look at a few options if you’re looking to upgrade your original card, or just want to add a low-cost portable system to your current set-up. I’ve chosen to look at 2 channel interfaces that are ideal for recording one instrument or voice at a time, and are less expensive than comparable 3+ track recorders. M-Audio Fast-Track Pro – $200 - User Reviews The Fast-Track USB is a small, external interf...